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Ignition Flipper Critters Nintendo DS Game

Ignition Flipper Critters Nintendo DS

$46.19 - $46.19
A fast-action pinball-style game set in a wide-ranging world of town squares, mountain valleys, towering castles and even the surface of the moon! Both screens on the Nintendo DS system are used for a full view of the scrolling pinball area, where you can send the ball flying into other parts of the world and bounce around unique pinball set-ups. Flipper Critters also features a wide range of mini-games which challenge players to master a variety of new skills and make use of all aspects of the Nintendo DS, including the control pad, the touch screen and even the microphone. Players can access different mini games and travel to different areas of the map from the pinball tables within the game. The mini games and areas can be accessed in any order, making the game different for each player and each gameplay session.
Here's some more information about this product:
  • The Ignition Flipper Critters Nintendo DS Game was added to the Nintendo DS Games category in June 2016
  • The lowest price we found for the Ignition Flipper Critters Nintendo DS Game is $46.19 from Amazon AU
  • Getprice provides impartial price comparison information to help you get the best deals year-round and Australia-wide
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Type Game Kids

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