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Introversion Software Multiwinia PC Game

Introversion Software Multiwinia

$14.50 - $14.50
Features: - Game modes: Domination - Each team fights to control the entire map. - King of the Hill - Occupy key tactical zones around the map to score points. - Capture the Statue - Darwinians must lift a giant stone statue from the centre of the map and carry it safely back to their home base to score points. - Rocket Riot - Each team has a giant rocket at their start point, and in order to win they must refuel and occupy the rocket, and perform a successful launch. - Assault - One player has to defend a location, whilst the other attacks. Play then switches around and the attacker becomes the defender and vice versa. Winner is the player who successfully attacks in the quickest time. - Bitzkreig - Each team tries to capture the enemy's home flag while defending their own.
Here's some more information about this product:
  • The Introversion Software Multiwinia PC Game was added to the PC Games category in June 2016
  • The lowest price we found for the Introversion Software Multiwinia PC Game is $14.50 from Green Man Gaming
  • Getprice provides impartial price comparison information to help you get the best deals year-round and Australia-wide
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Type Game Platformer

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